What’s Next?

If you’re new to hiring a pet sitter & dog walker then I’ll do a rundown on what the next steps are.

  1. Contact Me - If you have any questions that weren’t answered in the FAQ then feel free to message me through text, email, or by clicking on the “Questions?” button at the bottom of the website and filling out all of the required information. I’ll respond within 24 hours.

  2. Meet & Greet - After I’ve answered any questions and you have given me an idea of what service you would like for your pet(s), we’ll set up a day & time to do a formal in-person meeting. A meeting is a required step and I will not accept clients without it. You can show me where things are located around your home, your pet and I get to meet each other, and you’re free to go into further detail about what you’re looking for.

  3. Paperwork - The Pet Sitting Agreement & the Medical Info. and Veterinary Release Form are two documents that must be fully read, signed, filled out, and returned before services can be scheduled. You can find the digital versions directly below the “Frequently Asked Questions” title on the FAQ page or by clicking HERE. You have the choice to fill them out on your phone/computer/tablet or I’ll bring a paper copy of it to our meet-and-greet upon request.

  4. Time To Pet Account - This is the system that I use to store all pertinent information, to give you visit reports, and for all billing. After our meet & greet, you are free to click the Client Login button at the top right of every page where you’ll be able to create your account. The account will auto approved and then you can start filling out all of your information along with your pet(s). This step may take a while to complete if you’re detail-oriented, but most fields are not marked as required. Having your pet’s vaccination records handy will help shorten this time.

    • Evidence is required in your pet(s) profile before services start. Documentation of current rabies vaccination status includes a rabies vaccination certificate (i.e., NASPHV form #51) or an official veterinary record of vaccination that includes the information in NASPHV form #51 and is signed by the vaccinating veterinarian. NCDHHS - Vaccination Requirements and Guidelines

  5. Time To Schedule A Visit! - Everything will be done in the Time To Pet system so once all of the above is finished, you can officially schedule your first visit. Yay! I look forward to working with you and your pet very soon. 😊